TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - It's been a fun 11 years fellas. I'm out.
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Subject It's been a fun 11 years fellas. I'm out.
Posted by ConVerTT on October 15, 2014 at 5:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 689 times.
Message I've really appreciated the years of help members have offered, and in return allowed me to offer to other z owners ....

It has been a great community and I could not have enjoyed my cars without it.

I know that I used to be an active and contributing member of this forum. But lately, I've been really bored - bored out of my skull in fact.

I check the site every day and try to comment on pretty much every single post.

Sometimes I try to be constructive.

Sometimes I just try to be a dick.

Sometimes I troll just to see if I am still alive.

I am just so fucking bored with it all.

I try to create innovative new products for the community but it seems it's all been done before. (Fuck you ni[x]it whoever the fuck you are).

I can't get enough attention. I feel so misunderstood.

Sorry if I have offended anyone lately.

Goodbye :-(
See you Tuesday :-)


ConVerTT - 93 Hi Compression TT Convertible (black)
XtraVerTT - 93 Hi Compression TT Convertible (glacier white)
SlickTTop - 96 OBD1 TT Slicktop (black)
Old Yeller - 90 Slicktop NA (PGY)

And their hot Asian Cousin - 01 Acura NSX NA

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